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KirCCS organises internal and external facing events on campus from time to time. The biggest events we run are our annual public engagement events, which has been held since 2018 on a yearly basis, normally over summer (first year in winter). From 2019, the KirCCS annual public engagement events are branded as Kent Cyber Security Forum/Festival (KCSF). The Centre also routinely (co-)organises and hosts scientific conferences, workshops, summer schools and other events (a list of such selected events can be found in each year tab).
KirCCS (co-)organised/hosted events
- 5-7 July, 2022: IFIP HAISA 2022, 16th IFIP International Symposium on Human Aspects of Information Security & Assurance, to be hosted at the University of Kent, Canterbury, UK
- 5-8 Septemer, 2022: ICICS 2022, 24th International Conference on Information and Communications Security, to be hosted at the University of Kent, Canterbury, UK
- Time to be determined, 2022: Kent Cyber Security Festival (KCSF) 2022, KirCCS flagship annual event, to be hosted at the University of Kent, Canterbury, UK
KirCCS (co-)organised/hosted events
- March or April, 2021 (tentative): Kent Cyber Security Forum (KCSF) 2021, KirCCS flagship annual event and SoCyETAL launch event, to be hosted at the University of Kent, Canterbury, UK
- 3-6 Septemer, 2021: SecureComm 2021, 17th EAI International Conference on Security and Privacy in Communication Networks, to be hosted at the University of Kent, Canterbury, UK
- 15 Septemer, 2021 (tentative): SABS4Cyber 2021, Social and Behavioural Science for Cyber Security Conference, to be hosted at the University of Kent, Canterbury, UK
KirCCS (co-)organised/hosted events
10-15 August, 2020: CyberFirst summer course, co-organised with QA Ltd, funded by NCSC (National Cyber Security Centre, part of GCHQ), to be hosted at the University of Kent, Canterbury, UK(cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic)10-15 August, 2020: Kent Cyber Security Festival (KCSF) 2020, KirCCS flagship annual event, to be combined with the CyberFirst summer course- A number of cyber security workshops for local schools (tentatively on hold due to the COVID-19 pandemic)
- 17 October, 2020: CyberFirst Girls Development Day, co-organised with QA Ltd, funded by NCSC (National Cyber Security Centre, part of GCHQ), to be hosted at the University of Kent, Canterbury, UK
KirCCS (co-)organised/hosted events, scientific conferences and workshops
- 5 September, 2019: Kent Cyber Security Forum (KCSF) 2019, KirCCS flagship annual event, hosted at the University of Kent, Canterbury, UK
- 26-29 August, 2019: ARES 2019 (14th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security), CD-MAKE 2019 (3rd International IFIP Cross Domain Conference for Machine Learning & Knowledge Extraction) and other co-located workshops, hosted at the University of Kent, Canterbury, UK; co-organised with SBA Research
- 19-21 August 2019: PriCom 2019 (5th International Symposium on Privacy Computing), hosted at the University of Kent, Canterbury, UK; co-organised with the CISPC (Chinese Information Processing Society of China, 中国中文信息学会), Institute of Information Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences (中国科学院信息工程研究所), and Shanghai Jiao Tong University (上海交通大学) in China
- 15-17 July 2019: Summer School on The Human Aspects of Cyber-crime and Online Fraud, hosted at the University of Kent, Canterbury, UK; funded by the International Association for Research in Economic Psychology (IAREP), co-organised with the Institute of Applied Economics and Social Value, De Montfort University
- 16 July 2019: Network Defenders' "Hacking" competition, hosted at the University of Kent, Canterbury, UK; co-organised with the EK Services and the GOETEC Consortium
Kent Cyber Security Forum (KCSF) 2019
Date: Thursday 5th September 2019
Time: 10am - 5pm
Venue: Grimond Lecture Theatre 1 and Foyer, Grimond Building, University of Kent, Canterbury, Kent, CT2 7NZ
Online Registration
Last chance to get your £49 discount tickets using code: Cyber49
Event Description
The main purpose of the event is to inform participants (organisations and individuals) about a wide range of cyber security expertise and services available. This information will be of particular interest to SMEs and organisations without a dedicated cyber security team, as well as people who are interested in starting their own businesses but lack cyber security expertise in their teams. We expect the event will be attended by participants from different sectors including industry (suppliers and end users of cyber security solutions and services), public sector, higher-education and research institutions.
Alongside our carefully selected keynote talks and short presentations, at the event there will be free micro-consultancy opportunities allowing participants to get bespoke advice on their own real-world cyber security problems from experienced cyber security experts in short one2one sessions. There will also be stands, demos and posters from the University of Kent and other supporting organisations active in the cyber security sector, in the form of a cyber security expo throughout the whole day.
At the event, participants will be able to meet with a diverse range of cyber security experts from different organisations and disciplines, including researchers, practitioners, innovation experts, and policy makers. The experts will share their interdisciplinary knowledge and services on how organisations and individuals can make themselves safer in the cyber-physical world.
Lunch (summer BBQ) and refreshments will be provided, along with a range of fun activities for participants to interact with cyber security experts and other participants throughout the event.
External Supporting Organisations (alphabetic order)
- Cyber Readiness Institute (USA): short talk/demo (remote)
- Cygenta: stand, micro-consultancy sessions on cyber security training and testing as well as measuring cyber security culture (by FC, Co-CEO & Head of Ethical Hacking, and Dr Jessica Barker, Co-CEO & Socio-Technical Lead)
- EIRA (Enabling Innovation: Research to Application): stand, micro-consultancy sessions on innovation funding opportunities
- EK Services: micro-consultancy sessions on security in the enterprise, vulnerability and incident management
- F-Secure: invited speaker
- GOETEC Consortium: stand, micro-consultancy sessions on GOETCE in general including future cyber security workshop and competition sessions, how GOETEC and KirCCS can support public sector partners on cyber security awareness and best practice, sharing cyber security related information and link with the public sector
- Huawei Technologies: micro-consultancy sessions on cyber security solutions (especially on cloud security)
- Kent Police: stand, micro-consultancy sessions on UK law enforcement's Prevent and Protect programmes against cyber crime, short talk
- NCC Group: stand, micro-consultancy sessions on "cyber security research as a service" and Cyber Essentials certification
- NCSC (National Cyber Security Centre, a part of GCHQ): invited speaker
- Saga Group plc: micro-consultancy sessions on information security management standards / requirements (ISO 27001:2013, PCI, FCA, GDPR, PSD2 and IMO), digital risk management, company policy and user education, technical cyber protection and monitoring approaches which work to protect the Saga Group and Brands (by Saga's Chief Information Security Officer Paul Clements)
- SecureData: stand, micro-consultancy sessions on low to no cost security monitoring and general guidance towards Cyber Essentials certification (by Senior Security Consultant Andrew Lam)
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Supporting Research Projects
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Expected Media Presence
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Call for External Supporting Organisations
We welcome external organisations, especially cyber security service/solution suppliers and users, relevant public sector bodies and NGOs, to participate in the event to make it a bigger success. External organisations can send delegates, set up a stand, distribute brochures, and provide free micro-consultancy sessions to other participants. Due to limited spaces, stands, demos and free micro-consultancy services will be made available for selected external organisations only, especially those the Centre already has a working relationship. We expect that supporting organisations provide some financial sponsorship to the event to cover the costs of running the event, which will be negotiated on an ad hoc basis based on the actual contributions each organisation will make to the event. If you are interested, please contact us by sending an email to Kcsforum@kent.ac.uk to discuss more details. If you want to talk with someone, please contact one of the local organisers listed below.
Tentative Programme
10:00-11:00 | Arrivals, reception, networking, interactive sessions, on-site registration for micro-consultancy sessions, fun activities, etc. |
11:00-12:30 | Plenary Session 1 (Chair: Prof Shujun Li, University of Kent)
12:30-13:30 | Lunch break (BBQ), networking, interactive sessions, fun activities, etc. |
13:30-14:30 | Plenary Session 2 (Chair: Dr Budi Arief, University of Kent)
14:30-15:00 | Coffee/Tea break, networking, interactive sessions, fun activities, etc. |
15:00-16:30 | Plenary Session 3 - short talks (Chair: Dr Jason Nurse, University of Kent)
16:30-17:00 | Lotto draw, concluding remarks, networking, feedback survey |
Bios of Keynote Speakers
Dr Jessica Barker is a leader in the human nature of cybersecurity, has been named one of the top 20 most influential women in cybersecurity in the UK and awarded as one of the UK's Tech Women 50 in 2017. She is the Chair of ClubCISO.
Equipped with years of experience running her own consultancy, she co-founded Cygenta, working with a variety of organisations from small creative agencies through to multi-national banks, law firms and retailers. Her consultancy experience, technical knowledge and sociology background give her unique insight. She is known for her clear communication style and for making cybersecurity accessible to all.
Jessica delivers thought-provoking and engaging presentations across the world, at corporate events as well as practitioner and academic conferences. Known for her ability to engage everyone from senior executives to ethical hackers and creative workers, she brings energy, enthusiasm and fun to cyber security. Her speaking engagements are rooted in the work she does around the psychology and sociology of cybersecurity, particularly regarding cybersecurity threats, social engineering, how to effectively communicate cybersecurity messages, the psychology of fear and cybersecurity, and the language of cybersecurity. Her specialisms span cybersecurity awareness, behaviour and culture.
Jessica's many appearances discussing cybersecurity on national and international TV and Radio have cemented her place as the media's go-to expert on subjects that require graceful, clear and engaging communication of technical subjects. She frequently appears on the BBC, Sky News, Channel 4 News, Channel 5 News, Radio 4's Today programme, Radio 2's Jeremy Vine show and more. She has been published in the Sunday Times, Grazia and the Guardian, and frequently in industry press. Jessica and her husband FC were Guest Curators of the 2018 Cheltenham Science Festival and are keen supporters of the NCSC Cyber Schools Hub, TeenTech and the Cyber Security Challenge.
Mikko Hyppönen is a worldwide authority on computer security and the Chief Research Officer of F-Secure.
Mikko has dedicated his career to combatting security threats, tracking online crime for nearly three decades and sharing his work with the world. He's credited for coining the Hypponen Law on IoT Security, which states, "whenever an appliance is described as being 'smart', it's vulnerable."
Serving as Chief Research Officer for F-Secure, he is a widely regarded security expert who has written on his research for The New York Times, Wired and Scientific American and he appears frequently on international TV. He has lectured at the universities of Oxford, Stanford, and Cambridge. In 2010 he was selected among the 50 most important people on the web by the PC World magazine and in 2011 was included in the FP Global 100 Thinkers list. In 2015, he received the Cross of Liberty from the President of Finland.
Mikko sits in the advisory boards of EUROPOL and the Monetary Authority of Singapore, and volunteers as curator for the Malware Museum at the Internet Archive.
Organised by
Kent Innovation & Enterprise (KIE), University of Kent
#DigitalReboot, Hub for Innovation & Enterprise, University of Kent (supported by Santander Universities)
Other University of Kent Supporting Units
- School of Computing: technical and financial co-sponsor, volunteers, posters, speakers
- School of Engineering and Digital Arts: volunteers, posters, a speaker
- Institute of Advanced Studies in Cyber Security and Conflict (SoCyETAL): speakers
- Information Services - IT Services: a stand with presentations on a big screen
Local Organising Committee
General Enquiries: Kcsforum@kent.ac.uk
Chair: Prof Shujun Li (Director, KirCCS; Professor of Cyber Security, School of Computing)
Core Members:
- Dr Budi Arief (Director of External Liaison, KirCCS; Senior Lecturer, School of Computing)
- Lauren Griffiths-Norbury (Kent Innovation and Enterprise)
- Tony Inglis (Business Relationship Manager, Kent Innovation and Enterprise)
- Dr Jason Nurse (Core Member, KirCCS; Lecturer, School of Computing)
- Octavia Weldon (Business Development Executive, Kent Innovation and Enterprise)
KirCCS (co-)organised/hosted events in 2018
- 5 Decemberer 2018: KirCCS / Kent ACE-CSR Public Engagement Event 2018, hosted at the University of Kent, Canterbury, UK
- 12-13 March 2018: Joint UK & Israel Cybersecurity Workshop, hosted at the University of Kent, Canterbury, UK, funded by the EPSRC (Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council)
KirCCS / Kent ACE-CSR Public Engagement Event 2018
Kent Interdisciplinary Research Centre in Cyber Security (KirCCS) at the University of Kent, a UK government recognised ACE-CSR (Academic Centre of Excellence in Cyber Security Research), will organise its first Public Engagement Event on campus on Wednesday 5th December 2018 from 1-6pm.
Tentative Programme
13:00-14:30 | Arrival, buffet lunch, posters, demos |
14:30-15:30 | Opening talks
15:30-17:00 | Invited talks given by external speakers from government, industry and academia |
17:00-17:30 | Q&A and wrap-up |
17:30-close | Drink reception and networking |
Invited Talks
From Government
Speaker | Andrew Baldwin, Cyber Prevent Officer, Police Staff, Regional Cyber Crime Unit, Eastern Region Special Operations Unit (ERSOU) / Eastern ROCU |
Speaker | Will Causton, Senior Information Security Officer, EK Services |
From Industry
Speaker | Stuart Jubb, Managing Director, Crossword Cybersecurity plc |
Title | The realities of spinning out and starting up new ventures |
Abstract | Stuart joined Crossword Cybersecurity when it was just over 1 year old and was brought in to set up a new business line from scratch. Stuart will give his insights on the realities of working for a start-up, lessons learned and some of the pitfalls that could be avoided. He will debunk some of the common myths and describe the journey from a blank sheet of paper to a revenue generating team. |
Short Bio![]() | Stuart is part of the leadership team of Crossword Cybersecurity, the technology transfer company focussed solely on Cybersecurity. Stuart joined Crossword in 2016 from KPMG where he was Associate Director, Defence & Security. Prior to that he was Chief Operating Officer of a global consulting team of over 200 in KPMG Advisory. Stuart spent nine years as an officer in HM Forces, after Sandhurst, serving in Afghanistan, NATO and elsewhere. |
From Academia
Speaker | Dr Emiliano De Cristofaro (Associate Professor, University College London) |
Title | Privacy and Machine Learning: It's Complicated |
Abstract | In this talk, we will cover our recent work at the intersection of privacy and machine learning. First, we show how to efficiently support simple unsupervised learning applications that rely on users' data, without invading their privacy. We do so by combining data structures for succinct data representation (such as count-min sketches) with additively homomorphic encryption, showing that the error loss introduce by the sketches does not affect the accuracy of the model. Then, we turn to generative models -- which are increasingly more often used to artificially generate plausible samples of various kinds of data, including images, videos, texts, and music. We present a novel technique for privately releasing generative models and entire high-dimensional datasets produced by these models, showing that our techniques provide realistic synthetic samples which can also be used to accurately compute arbitrary number of counting queries. Finally, we analyze privacy in the context of collaborative/federated learning: these allow multiple participants, each with his own training dataset, to build a joint model by training local models and periodically exchanging model parameters or gradient updates. We demonstrate that these updates leak unintended information about the participants' training data, presenting both well-known "membership inference" attacks as well as "property inference" ones where the adversary can infer properties that hold only for a subset of the training data and are independent of the properties that the joint model aims to capture. |
Short Bio![]() |
Emiliano De Cristofaro is an Associate Professor ("Reader" until recently) in Security and Privacy Enhancing Technologies at University College London (UCL)'s Computer Science Department, where he heads the Information Security Research Group. He is also a Faculty Fellow at the Alan Turing Institute (ATI), the national institute for data science and AI. Before joining UCL in 2013, he was a research scientist at Xerox PARC. He received a summa-cum-laude Laurea degree in Computer Science from the University of Salerno, Italy (2005), then, in 2011, a PhD in Networked Systems from the University of California, Irvine, advised by Gene Tsudik. His dissertation, titled "Sharing Sensitive Information with Privacy" can be found at https://emilianodc.com/PAPERS/dissertation.pdf. During his PhD, he also spent a few months on research internships at NEC in Heidelberg (2008), INRIA in Grenoble (2009), and Nokia in Lausanne (2010). Overall, he does research in security and privacy enhancing technologies. These days he works on understanding and countering security issues via measurement studies and data-driven analysis, as well as tackling problems at the intersection of machine learning and security/privacy. More about the speaker can be found at his personal website https://emilianodc.com. |
Keynes Atrium and KLT1
Keynes College
University of Kent
Canterbury CT2 7NP
United Kingdom
Direction and Map
The registration is free for both internal and external participants. Please register here.
#DigitalReboot, Hub for Innovation and Enterprise, University of Kent
KirCCS (co-)organised/hosted events in 2017
- 20 November 2017: Workshop on Economics and Human Aspects of Cyber-Security, hosted at the University of Kent, Canterbury, UK, co-organised with the School of Economics, University of Kent
- 6-8 September 2017: EST 2017 (7th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Security Technologies), hosted at the University of Kent, Canterbury, UK, co-organised with the University of Essex and the University of Central Lancashire
- 22-23 June 2017: QCS 2017 (Workshop on Quantum CyberSecurity), hosted at the University of Kent, Canterbury, UK