Page 1: Information for Participants

This survey is part of a study conducted at the University of Kent in collaboration with the University of Cranfield.

The research team is an interdisciplinary team comprised of experts from different fields (i.e., energy transition, infrastructure system modelling, cybersecurity, human factors).

The researchers participating in this study include the following:

University of Kent: Dr Maria Sophia Heering, Dr Haiyue Yuan, Ramsha Ashraf, Dr Rahime Belen Sağlam, Dr Matthew Boakes, Professor Shujun Li and other researchers who may be involved in the project.

Cranfield University: Dr Ali Alderete Peralta, Dr Nazmiye Ozkan, Professor Weisi Guo, Dr Chao Long, Dr Adam Zagorecki, Kai Fung Chu, Siqi Wang and other researchers who may be involved in the project.

Data from this survey will be accessible to both research teams.

We are interested in how peoples' risk and privacy perceptions interact in the context of mobility-as-a-service - a new transport concept that integrates exisiting and new mobility services in one digital platform.

In this survey, we will ask questions on your travel and transport habits, including online transport planning. in addition, we will ask you questions based on how you use and perceive the Internet, your related privacy and security management activities and your online privacy concerns.   

Your participation in this study is completely voluntary; choosing not to partecipate will not disadvantage you in any way. If you do decide to partecipate you are still free to withdraw at any time and without giving a reason. You will receive full payment only upon completing the study and after we have verified that your response is valid. The survey is anonymous and we will not collect personal data about you.   

Instructions are provided during the survey. Please, read the instructions carefully and answer the questions honestly. Remember that there are no wrong or right answers. We are interested in your opinion.

We will consider all reasonable answers valid, however, if your there are too many apparent contradictions, meaningless responses or if you fail the attention checks (which are questions which test that you are paying attention), these responses may be considered invalid. In this case, you will not receive any payment.

What happens to the information you provide?     

All data will remain anonymous and the researchers will share no information about participants. Furthermore, no one other than the researchers mentioned above will have access to the responses. The data collected will be stored in the Qualtrics-secure database until the researcher has deleted it.    

If you require any further information, wish to withdraw your data, or have any queries about this study, please contact:  Maria Heering email:

If you would like any further information, or in case of a complaint, please contact the School of Computing’s Ethics Officer, Dr Özgür Kafali at, University of Kent, Canterbury, CT2 7NF. 

Page 2: Consent Form

  • I confirm that I have read and understood the information sheet for the above study. I have had the opportunity to consider the information, ask questions and have had these answered satisfactorily. 

  • I understand that my participation is voluntary and that I am free to withdraw at any time, without giving any reason.

  • I understand that my data will be treated confidentially and any publication resulting from this work will report only data that does not identify me. My anonymised responses, however, may be shared with other researchers or made available in online data repositories.

  • I will provide my answers honestly and responsibly.

  • I understand that I will receive payment only if the researcher considers my responses valid.

  • I understand my responses will be used in research publications by the research team and that they may publish the data to support reproducible research.

  • I am over the age of 18.


By clicking on the box below you are confirming that you have read and understood the above information and that you agree to participate in the survey Required

Page 3: ID code

Please enter your Prolific ID:

Page 4: Socio-demographic section

In this first section we will ask you some socio-demographic questions. 

Page 5: Socio-demographics

What is your gender?

Please enter a whole number (integer).

The number should be 18 or greater.

What is the highest level of education you have completed?
Please select the employment status that best describes your current situation

Page 6: Socio-demographics

How many school-aged children do you have, if any?
Which of the following best describes the place where you live? (a town is a compactly settled area, usually larger than a village but smaller than a city, surrounded by rural territory)
What is your total household annual income?
Does your household own or rent this accommodation?
Tick one box only

Page 7: Socio-demographics

Please indicate which option best describes your current marital status
What is your ethnic background?
What is your religion?

Page 8: Internet Usage

For how many years have you been regularly using the Internet? Please choose only one of the following:

Page 9: Travel Information search habits

In this second section of the survey, we will ask about your transport and travel information search habits.

Page 10: Transportation habits

How often do you search for information about your trips online? For example, traffic information or public transport departure times.

Page 11: Transportation habits

In what situations do you use online travel or route information or navigation systems (such as Google Maps, National Rail and thetrainline)? Multiple answers allowed.
Which trip and route information apps do you use? Multiple answers allowed.

Page 12: Transportation habits

For each of the following transport modes please indicate which online travel, route information and navigation system you use (if any).  Required
Google MapsMAPS.METom TomCitymapperSantanderTransit.aStravaLimeBirdNO APPOtherOtherIf you selected Other, please specify:
Ride sharing (e.g., Uber)
Bike sharing (e.g., ofo, Santander cycles)

Page 13: Feelings about Personal Identifying Information

In this section we will ask you how you feel about sharing your personal data online.

Page 14: Feelings about Personal Identifying Information

Please indicate the extent to which you agree with the following statements.

PII stands for Personal Identifying Information.

Strongly disagreeDisagreeSomewhat disagreeNeither agree nor disagreeSomewhat agreeAgreeStrongly agree
I want a website to disclose how my PII will be used
I am unconcerned when a website uses my PII to customise my browsing experience
I mind when a website monitors my purchasing patterns
I am unconcerned when a website monitors my purchasing patterns

Page 15: Feelings about Personal Identifying Information

Please indicate the extent to which you agree with the following statements.

PII stands for Personal Identifying Information.

Strongly disagreeDisagreeSomewhat disagreeNeither agree nor disagreeSomewhat agreeAgreeStrongly agree
It is very important to me that I am aware and knowledgeable about how my personal information will be used
I mind when my PII is traded with or sold to third parties
I mind when a website that I visit collects (without my consent) information about my browser configuration


In this next section, the survey will present you with questions about using COMMERCIAL websites.


For each of the following statements, please indicate your level of agreement.

When using commercial websites:
Strongly disagreeDisagreeSomewhat disagreeNeither agree nor disagreeSomewhat agreeAgreeStrongly agree
It usually bothers me when commercial websites ask me for personal information
When commercial websites ask me for personal information, I sometimes think twice before providing it
I am concerned that commercial websites are collecting too much personal information about me


For each of the following statements, please indicate your level of agreement.

When using commercial websites:
Strongly disagreeDisagreeSomewhat disagreeNeither agree nor disagreeSomewhat agreeAgreeStrongly agree
I am concerned that when I give personal information to a commercial website for some reason, the website would use the information for other reasons
I am concerned that commercial websites would sell my personal information in their computer databases to other companies
I am concerned that commercial websites would share my personal information with other companies without my authorization


When using commercial websites:
Strongly disagreeDisagreeSomewhat disagreeNeither agree nor disagreeSomewhat agreeAgreeStrongly agree
I am concerned that commercial websites do not take enough steps to make sure that my personal information in their files is accurate
I am concerned that commercial websites do not have adequate procedures to correct errors in my personal information
I am concerned that commercial websites do not devote enough time and effort to verifying the accuracy of my personal information in their databases
This question is an attention check to ensure you are read the questions carefully! Please do not tick any answer and just move to the following question:  


Please indicate the extent to which you agree with the following statements.

When using commercial websites:
Strongly disagreeDisagreeSomewhat disagreeNeither agree nor disagreeSomewhat agreeAgreeStrongly agree
I am concerned that commercial website databases that contain my personal information are not protected from unauthorized access
I am concerned that commercial websites do not devote enough time and effort to preventing unauthorized access to my personal information
I am concerned that commercial websites do not take enough steps to make sure that unauthorized people cannot access my personal information in their computers


For each of the following statements, please indicate your level of agreement.

When using commercial websites:
Strongly disagreeDisagreeSomewhat disagreeNeither agree nor disagreeSomewhat agreeAgreeStrongly agree
It usually bothers me when I do not have control of personal information that I provide to commercial websites
It usually bothers me when I do not have control or autonomy over decisions about how my personal information is collected, used, and shared by commercial websites
I am concerned when control is lost or unwillingly reduced as a result of a marketing transaction with commercial websites


For each of the following statements, please indicate your level of agreement.

When using commercial websites:
Strongly disagreeDisagreeSomewhat disagreeNeither agree nor disagreeSomewhat agreeAgreeStrongly agree
I am concerned when a clear and conspicuous disclosure is not included in online privacy policies of commercial websites
It usually bothers me when I am not aware or knowledgeable about how my personal information will be used by commercial websites
It usually bothers me when commercial websites seeking my information online do not disclose the way the data are collected, processed, and used


Please indicate the extent to which you agree with the following statements.

I believe that:
Strongly disagreeDisagreeSomewhat disagreeNeither agree nor disagreeSomewhat agreeAgreeStrongly agree
Commercial websites in general would be trustworthy in handling my personal information
Commercial websites would keep my best interests in mind when dealing with my personal information
Commercial websites would fulfill their promises related to my personal information
Commercial websites are in general predictable and consistent regarding the usage of my personal information


I believe that:
Strongly disagreeDisagreeSomewhat disagreeNeither agree nor disagreeSomewhat agreeAgreeStrongly agree
In general, it would be risky to give my personal information to commercial websites
There would be high potential for loss associated with giving my personal information to commercial websites
There would be too much uncertainty associated with giving my personal information to commercial websites
Providing commercial websites with my personal information would involve many unexpected problems


In this next section, the survey will present you with questions relative to your usage of GOVERNMENT websites.



For each of the following statements please indicate your level of agreement.

When using government websites:
Strongly disagreeDisagreeSomewhat disagreeNeither agree nor disagreeSomewhat agreeAgreeStrongly agree
It usually bothers me when government websites ask me for personal information
When government websites ask me for personal information, I sometimes think twice before providing it
I am concerned that government websites are collecting too much personal information about me


For each of the following statements, please indicate your level of agreement.

When using government websites:
Strongly disagreeDisagreeSomewhat disagreeNeither agree nor disagreeSomewhat agreeAgreeStrongly agree
I am concerned that when I give personal information to a government website for some reason, the website would use the information for other reasons
I am concerned that government websites would sell my personal information in their computer databases to other companies
I am concerned that government websites would share my personal information with other companies without my authorization


When using government websites:
Strongly disagreeDisagreeSomewhat disagreeNeither agree nor disagreeSomewhat agreeAgreeStrongly agree
I am concerned that government websites do not take enough steps to make sure that my personal information in their files is accurate
I am concerned that government websites do not have adequate procedures to correct errors in my personal information
I am concerned that government websites do not devote enough time and effort to verifying the accuracy of my personal information in their databases


Please indicate the extent to which you agree with the following statements.

When using government websites:
Strongly disagreeDisagreeSomewhat disagreeNeither agree nor disagreeSomewhat agreeAgreeStrongly agree
I am concerned that government website databases that contain my personal information are not protected from unauthorized access
I am concerned that government websites do not devote enough time and effort to preventing unauthorized access to my personal information
I am concerned that government websites do not take enough steps to make sure that unauthorized people cannot access my personal information in their computers


For each of the following statements, please indicate your level of agreement.

When using government websites:
Strongly disagreeDisagreeSomewhat disagreeNeither agree nor disagreeSomewhat agreeAgreeStrongly agree
It usually bothers me when I do not have control of personal information that I provide to government websites
It usually bothers me when I do not have control or autonomy over decisions about how my personal information is collected, used, and shared by government websites
I am concerned when control is lost or unwillingly reduced as a result of a marketing transaction with government websites


For each of the following statements, please indicate your level of agreement.

When using government websites: 
Strongly disagreeDisagreeSomewhat disagreeNeither agree nor disagreeSomewhat agreeAgreeStrongly agree
I am concerned when a clear and conspicuous disclosure is not included in online privacy policies of government websites
It usually bothers me when I am not aware or knowledgeable about how my personal information will be used by government websites
It usually bothers me when government websites seeking my information online do not disclose the way the data are collected, processed, and used


Please indicate the extent to which you agree with the following statements.

I believe that:
Strongly disagreeDisagreeSomewhat disagreeNeither agree nor disagreeSomewhat agreeAgreeStrongly agree
Government websites in general would be trustworthy in handling my personal information
Government websites would keep my best interests in mind when dealing with my personal information
Government websites would fulfill their promises related to my personal information
Government websites are in general predictable and consistent regarding the usage of my personal information


I believe that:
Strongly disagreeDisagreeSomewhat disagreeNeither agree nor disagreeSomewhat agreeAgreeStrongly agree
In general, it would be risky to give my personal information to government websites
There would be high potential for loss associated with giving my personal information to government websites
There would be too much uncertainty associated with giving my personal information to government websites
Providing government websites with my personal information would involve many unexpected problems


WE WOULD LIKE TO INTRODUCE YOU TO MaaS: an app-based service


- Plan your journeys with any transport (including public transport, bike  sharing, taxi, and car sharing) mode and receive real-time travel updates.

- Buy your tickets through the app, anytime, anywhere.

- Access your virtual tickets in the app to get onboard.

The primary value of MaaS stands in its integrated nature: not only can individuals, through a single online interface, plan, book and pay for their trips but they can also utilise a range of different mobility providers (i.e., train companies, bus companies, e-scooter, and e-bike companies etc.).

Furthermore, MaaS can provide mobility service packages tailored to customers' individual needs. Membership packages can, for example, vary in terms of the frequency of usage included within the monthly plan and the transport modes that are included. For example, packages may combine train + bike sharing services, train + bus/tram/metro services or car sharing + e-bike sharing services, or also, more comprehensively all of the aforementioned.


Page 35: MAAS APP

Page 36: MaaS Offering

Please indicate the extent to which you agree with the following statements.
Strongly disagreeDisagreeSomewhat disagreeNeither agree nor disagreeSomewhat agreeAgreeStrongly agree
Learning to operate the MaaS offering would be easy for me
It would be easy for me to become skillful at using the MaaS offering
I would find the MaaS offering easy to use
This question is an attention check to ensure you are reading the questions carefully! Please do not tick any answer and just move to the following question:  

Page 37: MaaS Offering

Please indicate the extent to which you agree with the following statements.
Strongly disagreeDisagreeSomewhat disagreeNeither agree nor disagreeSomewhat agreeAgreeStrongly agree
I would find the MaaS offering useful for my daily mobility
Using the MaaS offering would enable me to accomplish my daily mobility more quickly
Using the MaaS offering would enhance my effectiveness regarding my mobility

Page 38: MaaS Offering

Please indicate the extent to which you agree with the following items.
Strongly disagreeDisagreeSomewhat disagreeNeither agree nor disagreeSomewhat agreeAgreeStrongly agree
Assuming I would have access to the MaaS offering, I intend to use it
Given that I would have access to the MaaS offering, I predict using it
I expect to use the MaaS offering when it becomes available

Page 39: MaaS Offering

The MaaS offering is interesting to me because of:

Please don't select more than 1 answer(s) per row.

Strongly disagreeDisagreeSomewhat disagreeNeither agree nor disagreeSomewhat agreeAgreeStrongly agree
The sustainable quality of the service
The flexibility of the service
The cost benefits of the service
The practical convenience (all in a single app) of the service
The innovativeness of the service

Page 40: MaaS Offering

Regarding the MaaS service, how concerned are you about the following:

Please don't select more than 1 answer(s) per row.

Not at all concernedSlightly concernedModerately concernedVery concernedExtremely concerned
The cost of the service
The time needed to transfer from one transportation mean to another
The discomfort in having to transfer from one transportation mean to another
The overall transfer times
The average distance of the services (i.e., bust stop, tube station, e-bike stations, nearby e-scooters)

Page 41: Personal experience with public transportation system

Questions presented in the following section aim to gather an understanding of your current personal transportation habits and your experiences and impressions of your local public transportation system.

Page 42: Transportation habits

How often do you use the following types of transport? Please choose the appropriate response for each item.    
Everyday4-6 days a week1-3 days a weekOnce every two weeksOnce a monthLess than once a monthNever
Ride sharing (e.g., Uber)
Bike sharing (e.g., ofo, Santander cycles)
Currently, what is your primary mode of transport? Note: 'Primary' is your default mode of transport. I.e., what you use on a regular basis for your travels. You can choose more than one option if you believe you have got more than one "primary" mode of transport:  

Page 43: Transportation

How many cars are there in your household  that you can use? Required

Page 44: Transport satisfaction

We are interested to know what you think about the quality of your local transportation system. For each of the following statements, please indicate your level of disagreement/agreement. 
Strongly disagreeDisagreeSomewhat disagreeNeither agree nor disagreeSomewhat agreeAgreeStrongly agree
Overall, I am satisfied with the quality provided by the public transport system of my local area
I am satisfied with the quality provided by the tube/metro/light rail/thameslink of my local area
I am satisfied with the quality provided by buses and trams of my local area

Page 45: Environmental concerns

Please indicate how much you disagree/agree with each of the following statements.
Strongly disagreeDisagreeSomewhat disagreeNeither agree nor disagreeSomewhat agreeAgreeStrongly agree
Being environmentally responsible is important to me as a person
I am trying to use my motor vehicle less for environmental reasons
I like travelling by public transport because it is sustainable
I am trying to use my electric vehicle more for environmental reasons

Page 46: Invasion of Privacy

How frequently have you personally been the victim of what you felt was an improper invasion of privacy? Please choose only one of the following:

Page 47: Internet misuse

1 - Not at all234567 - Very much
How much have you heard or read during the last year about the use and potential misuse of the information collected from the Internet?

Page 48: Discovering new travel ways

For each of the following statements, please indicate to what extent you disagree/agree.
Strongly disagreeDisagreeSomewhat disagreeNeither agree nor disagreeSomewhat agreeAgreeStrongly agree
I do not want to try new routes that I have not used in the past
I try various modes to find the best way for everyday trips
I am willing to change my way if there is a better way than that I have been using

Page 49: Modes Transfer

Strongly disagreeDisagreeSomewhat disagreeNeither agree nor disagreeSomewhat agreeAgreeStrongly agree
I am willing to choose a route that combines multiple modes of transportation to optimize my route
I feel comfortable transferring between transportation mode
It is cumbersome to use more than one transportation mode in a trip
It is unnecessary to use various modes of transportation for a single trip

Page 50: Timing

For each of the following statements, please indicate your level of disagreement/agreement.
Strongly disagreeDisagreeSomewhat disagreeNeither agree nor disagreeSomewhat agreeAgreeStrongly agree
It is important that I arrive on time to appointments
I try to avoid transportation modes that may involve delays
Getting to work on time is important to me
I want to get to the destination precisely at the time I expect

Page 51: Comments, remarks

Page 52: Final page

Investigating drivers for MaaS use.


The present study investigates what motivates or inhibits individuals from using Mobility as a Service systems. 


Thank you for your time! Please click to notify Prolific the completion of this survey.




As mentioned previously, all data will remain anonymous. No one other than the project researchers will have access to the responses. The data collected will be stored in the Qualtrics-secure database until it has been deleted by the researchers.   


If you require further information, wish to withdraw your data, or have any queries about this study, please contact:


If you would like any further information, or in case of a complaint, please contact the School of Computing’s Ethics Officer, Dr Özgür Kafali at, University of Kent, Canterbury, CT2 7NP.